Foto Chicago: Picturing the City That Works

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Darris Lee Harris
Marina City, Chicago
Gelatin-silver exhibition print 3/25, 2000
18 x 14 inches

December 1, 2000 – February 3, 2001

Chicago is one of the most photogenic urbanscapes in America. Its spectacular buildings, sculptures, and public works have inspired photographers since the Great Chicago Fire presented the world with its first modern ruins.

Nineteenth century documentary shots of the teeming streets and the monuments of the Chicago School of Architecture stunned America with images of the first great modern metropolis. As Modernism developed and photography assumed more importance, the city was a natural subject for graphic art.

On December 1st, ArchiTech presents an exhibition and sale of original vintage and contemporary photographs by European and American artists. From abstracted views by Horst Schafer and Madeleine Isom to straight shots by Darris Lee Harris and Anthony May, the city assumes a cool, technological face. Fog clouds the towers of the new downtown in the large prints of Alex Fradkin. Adding people to the scene, Jay King and John Kimmich-Javier bring the human dimension to the cityscape. And the historical city is exploited by Aaron Siskind, Richard Nickel, and A. George Miller. Foto Chicago will continue at ArchiTech through Saturday, February 3rd, 2001.

Jay King
Citygraph of Stock Exchange doorplate
Gelatin-silver print 1/1, 1996
14 x 11 inches
Madeleine Isom
Picasso as a Bird
Gelatin-silver print, 2000
6 x 3 1/2 inches